Bethesda Softworks announced shortly before their latest title launched, that the first down-loadable Content for Fallout: New Vegas will be an X Box 360 exclusive. At least for a certain amount of time.
It's no surprise that New Vegas will be supported with DLC as Fallout 3 had 5 separate packs for people to download. What was a surprise was the time in which this was announced. Less than a full day before players could pick their copies up. Seems to me that it would have been convenient if this news was given a little earlier, at least early enough before preorders were already shipping to players.
I bought my copy for the 360 so this news doesn't really affect me. Though, how bad must PS3 owners feel after finding out that their copy had shipped from Amazon, only to find out an hour later that the PS3 version was not the one to get at this time. I know I'd be pissed.
DLC is one of those new things of this generation that have enough weight to prompt decisions from customers. Just look at GTA4, where everyone hated the idea that the game was going multiplatform, but when DLC was announced to be 360 exclusives. Everyone went and got it for the X Box.
It was a poor idea to wait till the launch of New Vegas to tell people some very valuable information about the game. Hopefully, this timed exclusive will be a short as the map packs for Call of Duty and will only be a month or so.
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