Sony has just announced that the PSP Go will receive a price drop from $249 to $199. This price is for the North American region where as the United Kingdom will also recieve a price drop to £159.
However, for those who are unaware of the current conversion rate between the Pound and Dollar. Keep in mind that £159 is about equal to $251. Yes that's right, the UK is getting a price reduction to be where the PSP Go's price started at in North America when it first launched.
Which is so tragically funny that I have to feel sorry that our fellow Brits are still paying way too much for things that simply aren't worth it.
It's not like it really matters anyway. People still won't buy it. It's earlier models are still far superior in that they have been cheaper for far longer and have a much wider library for games.
I mean which would you rather have? For $200 you can buy a PSP3000 or a PSP Go.
Both are the same price, but where as the PSP Go is a fully downloadable gaming device, the PSP3000 can not only download all of the same games, but can also play physical media that isn't available on the Playstation Network.
You'd be a fool to go for the PSP Go. Sure, carrying around the physical disks may be cumbersome at points, but that's hardly noteworthy when knowing that there are some games that are impossible to play on the PSP Go.
And not the least of which is that we already know that the PSP2 is hot on the trails. Who is going to want to buy this impotent handheld that's going to be obsolete in another year or so?

Aww Hell!
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